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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Mohan    
First Name(s)  Lal    
Birth Year  ?    
Death Year  1870    
Entry  Munshi : son of Pandit Budh Singh of Delhi : educated at the English College at Delhi : when still quite a youth, he accompanied Lieutenant Alexander Burnes and Dr. J. G. Gerard on their journey to Persia in 1832 in the capacity of Persian munshi. The expedition was undertaken by order of the Government of India, with the object of gaining a knowledge of the general condition of the countries west of the Indus. Mohan Lal assisted Burnes in his Persian correspondence. The latter, in his book, Travels into Bokhara, speaks highly of Mohan Lal's trustworthiness and interest in the expedition, as well as of the detailed journal which Mohan Lal kept at the request of Burnes. This diary was published in 1834, under the title of Journal of a Tour through the Panjab, Afghanistan, Turkistan, Khorasan, and Part of Persia. During the first Afghan war he was employed as Attache to the British Agency : but the greater part of his life was spent at Delhi, where he died about 1870.     
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