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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Mohl    
First Name(s)  Julius    
Birth Year  1800    
Death Year  1876    
Entry  Born Oct. 25, 1800, at Stuttgart : son of a high civil official in Wurtemburg : went to Tubingen to study theology : attracted by Eastern studies, he went to Paris, 1823, to the School of Oriental Learning in the College de France : attended lectures on Arabic, Persian and Chinese : made Professor of Oriental Languages at Tubingen, 1826 (which he resigned in 1831), but allowed to continue his studies at Paris : in England, 1830-1 : at Paris, selected by the French Government to translate Firdusi's Shah Nameh : 6 volumes appeared, 1838-68 : the seventh and last unfinished at his death : Member of the French Institute, 1844 : Professor of Persian at the College de France : Inspector of the Oriental Department at the Imperial Press, 1852 : Assistant Secretary, then Secretary, and eventually President of the Societe Asiatique : through this Society he greatly advanced Oriental scholarship : his Annual Reports, delivered from 1840 to 1867, contained reviews of the whole addition to the stock of Oriental learning in Europe for each year, i.e. the progress of Oriental research in the principal Indian languages and other branches of Indian literature. They have been collected and published in 2 volumes. He was indefatigable in promoting discoveries in Mesopotamia, by excavations, explorations, the acquisition, publication and decipherment of newly found inscriptions in the Persian, Median and Babylonian languages : announcing yearly the results attained. He retained his position in Paris throughout the Franco-German war, generally respected for his devotion to science : died in Paris, Jan. 4-5, 1876.     
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