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Death Announcements 1731-1831
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Displaying 2701 to 2730 of 3765 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names   Death date Click to sort by Death date  Place of death Click to sort by Place of death 
click to view detail Stewart Thomas Guise 2 Mar 1821  
click to view detail Winstone Thomas Hayward 1798 Madras
click to view detail Davies Thomas Henry Jan 1792 Calcutta
click to view detail Lee Thomas Huckell 1798 Cape of Good Hope
click to view detail Twistleton Thomas James 15 Aug 1824 Ceylon
click to view detail Gataker Thomas John 1809 Seringapatam
click to view detail Backhouse Thomas Joseph 22 May 1828 Wimpole St
click to view detail Ramsay Thomas Kennedy 18 Nov 1807  
click to view detail Starr Thomas Larkins 17 Jun 1820 Jaulna
click to view detail Weguelin Thomas M. 23 May 1828 Montagu Square
click to view detail Hulke Thomas Manley 11 Dec 1787 China
click to view detail Bateman Thomas Sanders 29 Apr 1821  
click to view detail Raffles Thomas Stamford 5 Jul 1826 Middlesex
click to view detail Ware Thomas Stephen 5 Nov 1799 Madras
click to view detail Blackburn Thomas Temple 17 Nov 1819 Calcutta
click to view detail Thomason Thomas Truebody 20 Jun 1829 Mauritius
click to view detail Friday Thomas Walker 27 May 1821 Passage to England on EICS Maria
click to view detail Chatfield Thomas William 1 Jun 1794 Croydon
click to view detail Shippey Thomas William Oct 1799 Vizagapatam
click to view detail Aldridge Thos. 19 Apr 1829 Lambeth
click to view detail Barnard Thos. 31 Mar 1830 Sloane St
click to view detail Bayly Thos. 10 Feb 1827 Colombo
click to view detail Bennett Thos. 6 Jan 1826 Vizagapatam
click to view detail Borrodaile Thos. 3 Feb 1822 At sea
click to view detail Bridges Thos. 16 Jun 1823 Upper Wimpole St
click to view detail Coke Thos. 3 May 1814 Passage to India
click to view detail Cooper Thos. 1817 Passage to Calcutta
click to view detail Dale Thos. 16 Dec 1826 Kamptee
click to view detail Daubeny Thos. 28 Oct 1821 Bombay
click to view detail Evans Thos. 1826 Calcutta
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