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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1731-1831

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Lee    
First names  Thomas Huckell    
Rank/ occupation  Officer    
Unit  EICS Hawke    
Death date  1798    
Place of death  Cape of Good Hope    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  1798 Suppl.    
Page number  1153    
Detail  Lately. At the same place [Cape of Good Hope], Mr. Thomas Huckell Lee, second son of Capt. L. of the Woodbury volunteers, and officer of the Hawke East-Indiaman. Having determined very early in life on the profession of a sailor, he adhered to his resolution seldom met with, and was on his return from his third voyage to the East Indies, of which one had been to China. Being well acquainted with the duties of a seaman, and possessing a most generous disposition, he was greatly esteemed on-board as an officer, and has left behind him a character which cannot but be highly consolatory to his surviving relations and friends, who deeply deplore his loss, at the early age of 17 years.    
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