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Go to record Gentlemans Magazine Gentlemans Magazine
 Death Announcements 1731-1831

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Date transcribed2000-00-00
Transcribed bySteve van Dulken

Surname  Coke    
First names  Thos.    
Rank/ occupation  Methodist missionary    
Death date  3 May 1814    
Place of death  Passage to India    
Source  Gentleman's Magazine    
Date  Nov 1814    
Page number  497    
Detail  On his voyage to India with six Missionaries intended for Ceylon and Java, Rev. Thos. Coke, LL.D. a very zealous and able divine, and most excellent man. Dr. Coke was born at Brecon in Wales, educated at Jesus College, Oxford, and entered into orders in the Eastablished Church. During the last 40 years he was most zealously and disinterestedly devoted himself to the Christian ministrey in the connexion of the late Mr. John Wesley; by whom, at the termination of the Revolutionary wars, he was appointed a superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America. For the last 28 years he discharged, with unremitting diligence, the extensive duties of General Superintendant of the Methodist Missions; which so warmly engaged his active and incessant energies, that he many times crossed the Atlantic, visiting the West India Islands, and travelling through the United States.     
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