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 St Johns Church, Calcutta
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Transcriptions taken from publications. Photographs of headstones and memorial tablets located at St Johns Church and Cemetery, Calcutta.
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St Johns Church and Cemetery, Calcutta - Mis and Graves [FHT2015]
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 129 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First names Click to sort by First names  Rank/ Title Click to sort by Rank/ Title  Death day/mon Click to sort by Death day/mon 
click to view detail Cheese Michael Surgeon 14 Jan
click to view detail Cruttenden George Major 23 Mar
click to view detail Erskine James   17 Nov
click to view detail Anquetil Thomas John Lieut Colonel 12 Jan
click to view detail Pattle James   4 Sep
click to view detail Pattle Adeline   11 Nov
click to view detail Blunt Charles William Baronet 29 Sep
click to view detail Malkin Benjamin Heath Sir, Knight 21 Oct
click to view detail Bayley William Butterworth Esq 29 May
click to view detail Campbell Henrietta Frances   2 Oct
click to view detail Kirkpatrick James Achilles Lieut Colonel 15 Oct
click to view detail Broughton L P Delves Esq 3 Jan
click to view detail Barwell Jas R Esq 16 Apr
click to view detail Young Gavin (Gavini) [Major] [7 Mar]
click to view detail Jervis J Lieut Colonel 3 Sep
click to view detail Hamilton Arthur Revd, BCL 2 Apr
click to view detail Taylor John Henry Rev, BA 30 Apr
click to view detail Abbott William Henry   18 Aug
click to view detail Twining William CRCLS 25 Aug
click to view detail Lawtie Peter Lieutenant [Apr]
click to view detail James John Thomas (Joanis Thomai) STP 22 Aug
click to view detail Turner John Mathias Revd, DD 7 Jul
click to view detail Loring Henry Lloyd DD 4 Sep
click to view detail Corrie Daniel Revd, LLD 5 Feb
click to view detail Burrington George Colonel Oct
click to view detail Bolton Thomas Major Oct
click to view detail MacLeod Norman Captain Oct
click to view detail Mawbey John Captain Oct
click to view detail Mordaunt John Captain Oct
click to view detail Cummings Andrew Lieutenant Oct
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