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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Minto    
First Name(s)  Gilbert Elliot    
Titles, Honours, etc.  Sir First Earl of    
Birth Year  1751    
Death Year  1814    
Entry  Governor-General : son of Sir Gilbert Elliot, Bart. : born April 23, 1751 : educated privately, at the Pension Militaire, Fontainebleau ; Edinburgh, and at Christ Church, Oxford : called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn, 1774 : M.P. for Morpeth, 1776-84 : for Berwick, 1786-90 : schoolfollow of Mirabeau and friend of Burke : in 1787-8 he at first carried a motion in Parliament, condemning the conduct of Sir Elijah Impey at Calcutta, chiefly about the trial of Nuncomar (q.v.) : but the motion was afterwards lost : he tried, but failed, to become the Speaker of the House of Commons : M.P. for Helston, 1790 : D.C.L. Oxford, 1793 : in 1794-6 he was Governor of the Protectorate of Corsica : returned to England in 1798 and was made Baron Minto : Envoy and Minister-Plenipotentiary at Vienna, 1799 : F.R.S. London and Edinburgh, 1803 : President of the Board of Control, 1806, and Governor -General of India, July, 1807, to Oct. 1813 : reformed the finances of India, despatched Missions to Kabul, Lahore and Persia, to make alliances, with the object of defence against French invasion : made a treaty with Sind : he annexed Amboyna, 1810 ; the Molucca Islands, the Isle of Bourbon, the Mauritius, and went himself on the expedition under the military command of Sir S. Auchmuty to Java in 1811. He endeavoured to introduce reforms into the native government of Oudh, and paid much attention to the internal administration of India generally, in respect of the press, religious toleration, education, the suppression of local disturbances : he was created Earl of Minto and Viscount Melgund, 1813 : he embarked for England in Dec. 1813 : arrived there in May 1814 : died June 21, 1814, and was buried in Westminster Abbey.     
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