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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Lally    
First Name(s)  Thomas Arthur    
Titles  Count De - And Baron De Tollendal    
Year of Birth  1700    
Year of Death  1766    
Entry  French General : born 1700 : son of Sir Gerard O'Lally, an Irish exile, inheriting an implacable hatred of England : distinguished himself in the French- Austrian war of 1734 at Philipsburg, and later at Fontenoy, Laffelat, Bergen-op- Zoom : to England in 1745, possibly as a spy : on the declaration of war between France and England in May, 1756, Lally was appointed, as one of the most promising French officers, to be Governor- General and C. in C, to command the French expedition to India, to expel the British thence : he, with Count d'Ache, reached Pondicherry in April-May, 1758, at once took Cuddalore, Fort St. David and Devikota : unsuccessfully attacked Tanjore : captured Arcot in Oct. 1758 : was joined by Bussy : besieged Madras for two months from Dec. 12, 1758, but retired on the appearance, in Feb. 1759, of an English fleet, under Admiral Pocock. Lally took the field in 1759, and met Colonel Eyre Coote at Wandiwash, was defeated there on Jan. 22, 1760, and lost other towns. Lally was then besieged from May, 1760, in Pondicherry by Coote, and forced to capitulate on Jan. 14, 1761, the French power in India thus collapsing, chiefly through want of proper support from France. Lally was sent to Madras, and to England as a prisoner of war : on his return to France, he was thrown into the Bastille, kept under trial for 2 years, accused of having betrayed the interests of the King ; condemned on May 9, 1766, and executed the same day. In 1783 the sentence was annulled, and Lally's estates were restored to his son.     
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