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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Lakshmi Chand    
First Name(s)  Rao Bahadur    
Year of Birth  1810    
Year of Death  1866    
Entry  A member of the famous family of Seths of Mathura, celebrated as the leading bankers in N. India, and for their charity and beneficence : eldest son of Mani Ram (died 1836), founder of the firm, under whom the business flourished greatly, and the wealth and influence of the family rapidly increased. During the mutiny, Lakshmi Chand and his brothers, Radha Krishan and Gobind Das, displayed conspicuous loyalty. They warned the Collector of the impending outbreak, and sent information to Agra, which enabled the authorities there to disarm the native troops. When the station of Mathura was burnt, the Seths sheltered the European residents and conveyed them by boat to Agra : took charge of the treasure, maintained public order : made large advances of money to Govermennt, when none was procurable elsewhere, and throughout the mutiny maintained communication between Agra and Delhi at their own expense. For these services, Lakshmi Chand was "" made Rao Bahadur and presented with confiscated estates assessed at over Rs. 16,000, on favourable terms. Many of the religious and other buildings in Mathura were erected by the Seths, whose liberality was proverbial. Lakshmi Chand remained a Jain, but his brothers were converted to Vaishnavism : he left an only son, Raghunath Das.     
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