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Go to record War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC]
 Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services C-E

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Date transcribed2008-01-31
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentEach Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Cockbubn" in "Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services C-E" Surname  Cockbubn    
First Name(s)  H A    
Rank  Captain    
Regiment  late 53rd Native Infantry    
Commissions  Ensign, 13 Jun 51 / Lieut, 7 Feb 55 / Captain, 27 Jun 57    
Service  Captain Cockburn marched from Gwalior on 13th May 57 towards Allyghur, in Command of a Squadron of the 1st Cavalry, Gwalior Contingent, of which Regiment he was Adjutant, and served in the Agra, Hattras, and Allyghur Districts of the Doab, under the orders of the Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, until the 2nd July following. On the 22nd May 57, near Hattras, with only about 50 men of the above Regiment, he defeated and dispersed a body of nearly 500 rebels, on which occasion his charger was slightly wounded. On the following day he rescued 20 persons, amongst whom were Colonel Cecil, Retired List, Mr. Nichterlein, Indigo Planter, and their families, from the Town of Sasnee. On the 31st May he defeated a body of rebels near Hattras, on which occasion the Official Report from Captain Alexander to the Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, stated :â�� " Lieutenant Cockburn dismounted about 20 men and stormed the village. Every praise is due to Lieutenant Cockburn, a most gallant soldier, who had some very narrow escapes" (his helmet and sword were struck by bullets). " He killed four men with his own hand." On the 5th June he defeated a large body of rebels and saved the Town of Lakhnooa, when his charger was twice wounded. On the 5th July 57 he served at the battle of Shahgunge, (Agra,) when he was very severely wounded by a, round shot, and his charger was killed, under him. On four occasions he received the thanks of the Government of the North-Western Provinces, and was mentioned in a Despatch of the Lieutenant-Governor, dated 6th June 57. On the 31st May several Officers of the late 9th Native Infantry volunteered to accompany him. Amongst them was Major (now Colonel) Eld, who was very dangerously wounded, and had had his horse shot in two or more places. Medal. Extract of Despatch of the- Honorable J. H. Colvin, Lieutenant-Governor, North-Western Provinces, to the Right Honorable the Governor-General, dated Agra, 6th June 57â��"At Hattras there is a party of 120 men of the 1st Begiment, Gwalior Contingent Cavalry, which maintains the communication with Agra, and puts down the open ravages of plunderers in the neighborhood. Some spirited affairs of this kind have been reported; and the Adjutant of the Regiment, Lieutenant H. A. Cockbum, has been marked by his forward activity and courage. Having officiated as Secretary to the Government, North-Western Provinces, during the disturbances, and thus been brought in continual communication with Mr. Colvin, the Lieutenant-Governor, I am aware that that Gentleman entertained a very high opinion of Lieutenant H. A. Cockburn as a dashing, energetic Cavalry Officer. Lieutenant Cockburn was employed from about the middle of May 57 till the 2nd July with his Regiment, the 1st Gwalior Contingent Cavalry, in repressing the bodies of insurgents which appeared at various points in the Agra and Allyghur Districts in the Doab and engaged them at great odds four or five times, with unvaried success. Mr. Colvin wrote several times to Captain Alexander and Lieutenant Cockburn, but no copies of the letters were kept. These letters conveyed the thanks of the Lieutenant-Governor for services rendered against the rebels. Lieutenant Cockburn was so severely wounded by a round-shot on the 5th July that he was a cripple until the end of the year, when, he was compelled to visit England."â��(Signed) C. B. Thornhill.    
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