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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Admiral : born Sep. 29    
First Name(s)  1758 : Midshipman in his 12th year : after sailing to the W. Indies and on an expedition to the N. Pole    
Titles, Honours, etc.  he went to the E. Indies in 1773 in the Seahorse frigate    
Birth Year  under Captain George Farmer. He was there for 2 years    
Death Year  visiting every port in India from Bengal to Bussora    
Entry  " when his health broke down, and the Commodore, Sir Edward Hughes, ordered him to England in the Dolphin. There is evidence that he was transferred from the Seahorse to the Dolphin at Bombay on March 15, 1776. His service on the E. I. station was uneventful, but he appears to have felt the effects of the climate, probably from that of the Persian Gulf, about Bussora and Muscat. It is not recorded that he was in India again. After the battle of the Nile he wrote Aug. 9, 1798 to the Governor of Bombay, to tell him of the destruction of the French Fleet, and the consequent preservation of India from any attempt against it by the French. The extraordinary expenses which would have been incurred for the defence of Bombay�which Nelson knew would have been their first object�were thus prevented. His autograph letter of July 3, His autograph letter of July 3, 1799, is extant, thanking the E. I. Co. for their present of £10,000 on the occasion of his victory at Aboukir Bay. Nelson was killed at Trafalgar on Oct. 21, 1805.     
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