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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Nana    
First Name(s)  Farnavis    
Birth Year  1741    
Death Year  1800    
Entry  The famous Mahratta Brahman minister : his real name was Balaji Janadhan : he was present at, and fled from, the battle of Panipat, 1761. When Madho Rao I became Peshwa in 1761, his uncle, the Regent, Raghunath Rao, gave Nana Farnavis the office of Fardnavisi (recordwriting). He became the intimate friend of his sovereign, Madho Rao, who died in 1772, and was succeeded by his brother, Narayan Rao. Nana Farnavis became head of the Civil Department, and chief director of all Poona political movements until Madho Rao II died. Narayan Rao was murdered in 1773 by his uncle Raghunath, who usurped the Peshwaship, until Narayan's widow, Gunga Bai, had a child named Madho Rao Narayan. A Regency, consisting of Nana Farnavis, Sakaram Bapu, and the widow, ruled the State until Nana Farnavis became virtually supreme ruler of Poona. In March, 1776, the treaty of Purandhar was concluded between the Mahrattas and the English : this treaty Nana Farnavis obstructed, and he was believed to have made a secret engagement with the French. He and Sakaram quarrelled : the latter, striving for the restoration of Raghunath, sought help from the Bombay Government : Nana Farnavis, being the paramour of Gunga Bai, supported Madho Rao the Peshwa : further hostilities occurred. the English supporting Raghunath : the Convention of Wargaum, made in 1779, was disavowed : eventually peace was restored by the treaty of Salbai of May 17, 1782, which Nana Farnavis ratified. Raghunath's cause failed, and he soon died. Sakaram was made over to Nana Farnavis by Sindia, confined in a fort, and died there. Madho Rao's title as Peshwa and Nana Furnavis' Regency were recognized. The latter was then the real head of affairs at Poona. Lord Cornwallis received from him a contingent of Mahrattas against Tippoo in 1791. Antagonism arose between Nana Farnavis and Madhava Rao Sindia {q.v), each having claims against the other. Sindia died in claims against the other. Sindia died in 1794, leaving Nana Farnavis without a rival among the Mahrattas. They made great demands on the Nizam and defeated his army at Kurdla in March, 1795. Nana Farnavis was then at the height of his prosperity as minister, when the Peshwa, Madho Rao, committed suicide. Raghunath's son, Baji Rao, became Peshwa. Nana fled, was seized at Poona and imprisoned : became reconciled to Baji Rao : they evaded alliance with the British Government : Nana Farnavis died on March 13, 1800.     
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