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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Moorcroft    
First Name(s)  William    
Birth Year  1765?    
Death Year  1825    
Entry  Born about 1765 : educated at Liverpool as a surgeon : studied veterinary science in France : made a fortune by his veterinary practice in London, but lost it over patents : appointed, in 1808, veterinary surgeon to the Bengal Army and Inspector of military studs : in 1811-2 crossed the Himalaya and traced the sources of the Satlaj and Indus : in 1819 went to Lahore, Ladak, residing at Leh, to Kashmir, via Attock and Peshawar to Kabul, to Bokhara, disposing of his merchandise : commenced his return journey, Aug. 1825 : soon after died at Andkhui, and was buried at Balkh : wrote on veterinary subjects and on the countries which he visited : his Travels in the Himalayan Provinces of Hindustan and the Panjab, etc., edited by H. H. Wilson, 1841.     
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