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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Melville    
First Name(s)  Henry    
Titles, Honours, etc.  First Viscount Dundas,     
Birth Year  1742    
Death Year  1811    
Entry  Son of Robert Dundas : born April 28, 1742 : educated at Edinburgh High School and University : Advocate, 1763 : Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1766 : M.P. for Midlothian and Newtown from 1774-90 : Lord Advocate, 1775-83 ? Chairman in 1781 of a Committee of Inquiry into the Carnatic war, and the state of the British possessions in S. India : in May, 1782, carried Resolutions for the removal of Warren Hastings from the Governor-Generalship : an order to this effect was made, but cancelled : in 1783 he brought in a Bill to regulate the Government of India, which was given up for a Government measure with the same object. When Pitt's East India Bill was passed in 1784, Dundas became a Member of the Board of Control, and henceforth always had a potential voice in Indian affairs : he defended Warren Hastings in 1786, when Burke attacked his conduct in connexion with the war against the Rohillas : he called Hastings the Saviour of India : he was Home Secretary, 1791 : President of the Board of Control, June 22, 1793 to April 25, 1801 : in 1793 his speech in defence of the Government of India and in favour of the renewal of the East India Company's monopoly was highly applauded by Pitt : Secretary for War. 1794-1801 : Keeper of the Privy Seal of Scotland, 1800 : created Viscount Melville in 1802 : First Lord of the Admiralty, 1804-5 : was impeached for malversation of public moneys, 1806, and acquitted, and restored in 1807 to the Privy Council, from which his name had been removed : he refused an Earldom: died May 28, 1811. His influence over Indian affairs was great during his connexion, either as Member, or as President, with the Board of Control, though Mr. James Mill contests the value of his advice.     
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