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Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) |
Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R
Date transcribed | 2011-08-00 | Transcribed by | Peter Bailey | Comment | Note that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work. |
| Surname | Malabari | | First Name(s) | Behramji Merwanji | | Birth Year | 1853 | | Entry | A Parsi by birth : educated at Surat : taught in the Parsi Proprietary School : after a hard struggle in early life, he became a journalist : author of poems, in 1875, and social reformer : in 1880 he purchased the Indian Spectator and was editor for more than 20 years : it is now merged in The Voice of India : he was mainly instrumental in procuring the passing of The Age of Consent Act and removing restrictions against the remarriage of widows : author of a translation of Max Miiller's Origin and Growth of Religion, 1882 ; Gujarat and the Gujaratis, 1884 ; The Indian Eye on English Life, 1893 ; The Indian Problem, 1894 : has edited East and West since Nov. 1901. |
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A List of eminent persons who served in British India, together with short biographical notes of each