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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography M to R

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Date transcribed2011-08-00
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name patterns established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Macgregor    
First Name(s)  Charles Metcalfe    
Titles, Honours, etc.  Sir    
Birth Year  1840    
Death Year  1887    
Entry  Born Aug. 12, 1840 : son of Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor : educated at Marlborough : entered the Indian Army, 1856 : in the mutiny, at Firozpur : at the siege of Delhi, afterwards in several hand-to-hand combats : at the siege and capture of Lucknow : in Oudh, constantly engaged, 1858-9, under Hope Grant, Horsford, Holdich : in Fane's horse in China : Brig-Major in the Bhutan campaign, 1864 : severely wounded : D.A.Q.- M.G : in Abyssinian expedition : compiled the Gazetteer of Central Asia, 1868-73 : Director-General of Transport in the Bihar famine, 1874, for which he received the C.S.L : on expeditions on the Afghan and Beluchistan frontiers in 1875 : wrote accounts thereof : prevented from entering Herat : in the Afghan war, 1878-9, on the Khyber line : C.I.E. and C.B. : Chief of the Staff to Sir F. Roberts and other Generals : at Charasia, Kabul, Sherpur : commanded a Brigade in the Kabul- Kandahar march, and at the battle of Kandahar : commanded the Marri expedition : K.C.B., 1881 : Q.M.G. in India : given the command of the Panjab Frontier Force, 1885 Maj-General : died at Cairo, Feb. 5, 1887 compiled also the History of the second Afghan war, and wrote The Defence of India : Our Native Cavalry : and Mountain Warfare : a great soldier, full of knowledge, keenness, courage, and determination.     
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