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 Ambala - Enumeration of European British Subjects and Foreigners
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Files of the Inspector-General of Police, Punjab, on the enumeration of European British subjects and foreigners resident in various districts. The enumeration was undertaken as part of the planning for the possible need for an emergency evacuation of Europeans.
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Ambala Mar-Jun 1947 - Census of European British subjects & foreigners
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 137 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  First Names Click to sort by First  Names  Title Click to sort by Title  Nationality Click to sort by Nationality  Relationship to Principal Click to sort by Relationship to  Principal 
click to view detail Baldwin M W   British Principal
click to view detail Granger-Brown Hugh Charles   British Principal
click to view detail Granger-Brown Matilda Victoria     Wife
click to view detail de Courcy C   British Principal
click to view detail Glazebrook Edward John   Welch Principal
click to view detail Glazebrook Agnes Teresa     Wife
click to view detail Greening Charles Llewellyn Major British Principal
click to view detail Harris G C   British Principal
click to view detail Harris J F     Son
click to view detail Harris R     Dau-in-law
click to view detail Harris A V     Grandson
click to view detail Harris A G     Grandson
click to view detail Klyne Amy Eliza Mrs (widow) European-British Principal
click to view detail Willson A E Mrs   Family
click to view detail Lloyd Oliver Cromwell   British Principal
click to view detail Lloyd P J Mrs   Family
click to view detail Moore F E Miss British Principal
click to view detail Mulligan Hugh Waddell Lt Col IMS British Principal
click to view detail Rivett [Clare Hill]   British Principal
click to view detail Cricick M Mrs   Daughter
click to view detail Cricick M Miss   Grand daughter
click to view detail Sommerville Thomas   British Principal
click to view detail Webster Janet Mrs British Principal
click to view detail Webster W J Lt Col   Husband
click to view detail Weston Catharine Mrs English Principal
click to view detail Woodward Stanley Francis   British Principal
click to view detail Wormald Peter John Captain British Principal
click to view detail Aberley Lorna   British Principal
click to view detail Atherton William Henry   European Principal
click to view detail Bennett Joseph Norman   British Principal
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