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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Thomas Parry, Free Merchant, Madras 1768-1824 for the value '1820'  in field Year

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View Publications > Book indexesParry, Free Merchant, Madras 1768-1824
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Surname: Carr Forename: Mary Ann Rank: Miss Occupation or Status: Common Law Wife Location: Madras
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Surname: Parry Forename: Thomas Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Madras
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Surname: Dare Forename: John William Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Madras
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Surname: Schuler Forename: William Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Shipwright Location: Cochin
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Surname: Parry Forename: Thomas Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Madras
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Surname: Dare Forename: John William Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Madras
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Surname: Edwards Rank: Captain Occupation or Status: Commander of Ship Location: Madras
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Surname: Stewart Rank: Mrs Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Ball Rank: General Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Carpenter Rank: Mrs Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Snell Rank: Lieutenant Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Cochrane Rank: Mrs Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Spottiswood Rank: Mrs Occupation or Status: Passenger Location: Madras
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Surname: Elliot Forename: Hugh Rank: Right Honourable Occupation or Status: Governor Location: Madras
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Surname: Shephard Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Beypore
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Surname: Palmer Forename: J Rank: Lieutenant Occupation or Status: Debtor Location: Mauritius
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Surname: Holman Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Creditor Location: Madras
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Surname: Ravenshaw Forename: H Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Officer Location: Cannanore
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Surname: Monteith Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Officer Location: Cannanore
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Surname: Ellis Forename: Robert Rank: Cornet Occupation or Status: H.M.'s 13th Light Dragoons Location: Madras?
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Surname: Poulson Forename: I Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Shop Keeper? Location: Madras
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Surname: Garty Forename: T B Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Shop Keeper? Location: Madras
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Surname: Scott Forename: P Rank: Mr Location: Madras
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Surname: Trustcott Forename: G Rank: Captain Location: Madras
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Surname: Stewart Forename: I Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Shop Keeper? Location: Madras
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Surname: Disley Forename: Thomas Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Watchmaker Location: Madras
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Surname: Dare Forename: J W Rank: Mr Occupation or Status: Free Merchant Location: Madras
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Surname: Johnson Rank: Mr Location: Madras
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