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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  Langlés    
First Name(s)  Louis Mathieu    
Year of Birth  1764    
Year of Death  1824    
Entry  Born near Montdidier, 1764 : son of a military officer : educated at Paris : studied Oriental languages, Persian, Arabic and Chinese : translated the Institutes of Tamerlane from Persian into French : and Contes, Fables et Sentences from Arabian and Persian authors, 1877 : first made known, to France and the Continent, the existence of the Asiatic Society of Bengal : wrote a Mahratta History : addressed the National Assembly, 1790. on "" The importance of Oriental languages for the extension of commerce and the progress of the arts and sciences"" : published Fables et Contes Indiens, with an essay on the Hindus : and part of the Hitopadesa : was keeper of the Oriental MSS. of the Royal Library: suggested the formation of a special school for Oriental living languages, which he was charged to organize, and became its Principal and Persian Professor : on the formation of the French Institute was chosen a member of the literary committee: contributed articles on Oriental subjects, and wrote the Ancient and Modern Monuments of Hindostan, 1824 : at a meeting of the Institute read a memoir demonstrating the possibility of opening a passage to
India through Egypt, and thereby striking a death-blow at British supremacy in the East : Napoleon, who was present, thereupon planned the conquest of Egypt : Langlés' library was the richest private Oriental collection then in existence, containing the only exact and complete autograph copy of the Ain-i-Abkari : was a leading member of several Societies and Academies : died Jan. 28, 1824.     
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