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Go to record The Union Chapel, Calcutta The Union Chapel, Calcutta
 The Union Chapel, Calcutta

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Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMIs erected in the Chapel or Burial Ground at \'The Union Chapel\', Calcutta up to 1851

Surname  Hampson    
Forename(s)  Robert    
Year of Death  1820    
Inscription  To the Memory of the following Missionaries of the London Missionary Society, who having faithfully laboured in the service of Christ in this country, Died whilst prosecuting their important work.:- Nathaniel Forsyth, arrived in India in 1796, died February, 1816, Aged 47 years. Robert May, arrived in 1812. Died August 12, 1818, Aged 30. Robert Hampson, arrived in 1819. Died September 21, 1820. Aged 25. Wm. Bankhead, arrived in 1822. Died October 1822. Aged 23. Joseph Warden Arrived in 1822. Died April 21, 1831, Aged 27. J.D. Fearson arrived in 1817. Died October 1831. Aged 41. Thomas Higgs, arrived in 1830. Died December 3, 1832. Aged 24. James Robertson, arrived in 1826. Died June 15, 1833. Aged 30. ""Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, for by it, the elders obtained a good report; these all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth"" - Heb. xi. 1,2,13. This tablet is erected by Christians of different denominations as an expression of respect for the Memory of bretheren who were esteemed worthy to labour and die in the Missionary field.    
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MIs erected in the Chapel or Burial Ground of The Union Chapel, Calcutta
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