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Go to record The Union Chapel, Calcutta The Union Chapel, Calcutta
 The Union Chapel, Calcutta

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Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMIs erected in the Chapel or Burial Ground at \'The Union Chapel\', Calcutta up to 1851

Surname  de Rodt    
Forename(s)  Rodolph    
Rank or Title  Rev.    
Year of Death  1843    
Inscription  In Memory of the Rev. Rodolph de Rodt, A Missionary of the London Missionary Society. This tablet is erected by his attached friends of different denominations. He was a faithful servant of Christ; humble, frank, peaceable and laborious; endowed with many talents, natural and acquired, which he devoted to the one great object of promoting the glory of his Master, by making known his blessed Gospel among the Natives of this Heathen land. He was born at Berne, February 2, 1814; landed in India April 11, 1836, And slept in Jesus August 29, 1843. ""He was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith."" - Acts. xi. 24 v.    
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MIs erected in the Chapel or Burial Ground of The Union Chapel, Calcutta
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