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Date transcribed2009-08-22
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentMIs taken from "Bengal Obituary" Dedicated by Holmes & Co., Calcutta, 1851

Surname  Cruttenden    
Forename(s)  George    
Rank or Title  Major    
Year of Death  1822    
Inscription  In memory of George Cruttenden, late Major in the Honorable E.I. Company's Bengal Army, whose long term of Military Service, fulfilled with every mark of good desert, was followed by an active part in civil life, pursued with equal talent and integrity. His Christian temper, and sound principles, his love for others, and his friendly dispositions, took their first course in the nearest circles of attachment, but they knew no limit; and he lived where his virtues found their just reward. This Monument, raised with emulous affection speaks for many. He died in Macao on the 23d of March 1822, Aged 54.    
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