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War Services of Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 [HEIC] |
Officers of the Bengal Army 1863 - Rank and Services P-R
Date transcribed | 2008-01-31 | Transcribed by | Peter Bailey | Comment | Each Officer of the Bengal Army still alive and serving in 1863 is mentioned with his Career Progression and War Service |
| Surname | Reid | | First Name(s) | C | | Honours | CB, VC | | Rank | Colonel | | Regiment | late 10th Native Infantry | | Commissions | Ensign, 13 Jun 35 / Lieut, 3 Oct 40 / Bt-Captain, 13 Jun 50 / Captain, 1 Oct 52 / Major, 2 Oct 52 / Lieut-Colonel, 19 Jan 58 / Colonel, 26 Apr 59 | | Service | Colonel Reid, C.B., served with the Sirmoor Battalion throughout the Campaign on the Sutlej, including the actions of Alliwal and Sobraon, in which latter engagement he brought the Corps out of action on the death of Captain Fisher. Medal and Clasp. Served in Burmah, 52, 53. Medal. Served with his Regiment, the Sirmoor Battalion, throughout the siege of Delhi. Commanded the main picquet at Hindoo Raos house, from the 8th June till the 14th September 57, during which period he sustained and defeated 26 separate attacks upon his position, and one was made on that of the enemy, on the 17th June, when the strong position of Kissengunge was taken, and the enemys heavy Batteries destroyed. Commanded the 4th Column of attack on the morning of the 14th September 57. (Severely wounded.) Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel and C.B. Served during the Oude Campaign of 58, 59. Colonel and A.D.C. to the Queen. Medal and Clasp. |
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Each Officer in the Bengal Army still alive in 1863 is mentioned together with his promotion progression and War Services.