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Index of burials recorded in BACSA`s Cemetery Record Books relating to India and Burma.

Many of these books are still in print and sometimes contain more information, for example the text of an inscription, than is given here. Should you wish to order a copy write to Bacsa Books, 26 Northchurch Terrace, London, N1 4EG, or email [email protected].

All the books can be consulted at the British Library.
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India and Burma Cemetery Record Books M-S
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350 Pages:  First Previous 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 ..212 ..220 ..235 ..264 Next Last

Displaying 5281 to 5310 of 10485 results

Surname Click to sort by Surname  Forename(s) Click to sort by Forename(s)  Date of death Click to sort by Date of death 
click to view detail Pigott Caroline 26 May. 1844
click to view detail Pigott G. 21 Sep. 1897
click to view detail Pigott Sarah 08 Sep. 1844
click to view detail Pigott William 23 Jun. 1856
click to view detail Pigou Georgiana Catherine 10 Nov 1829
click to view detail Pigou T. 1857
click to view detail Pigram Private George 1856
click to view detail Pike Edward Corn Fredk 1819
click to view detail Pike Gunner Alfred 1887
click to view detail Pike Thomas William 1895
click to view detail Pike Edward Cornis Frederick 10 Jun 1819
click to view detail Pike Fred  
click to view detail Pilbeam Herbert Guy 18 Jul. 1907
click to view detail Pilcher Robert  
click to view detail Pilgram Private William 1818
click to view detail Pilgrim Private William 1818
click to view detail Pilgrim Private William 1879
click to view detail Pilkington Gunner Barnet 1861
click to view detail Pilkington Rebecca 02 Sep. 1868
click to view detail Pilkington Robert Charles 1848
click to view detail Pilkinton Catherine 1854
click to view detail Pillans Charles Henry 1886
click to view detail Pillans James Algernon 25 Dec. 1844
click to view detail Pillans Mary Constance 13 Aug 1842
click to view detail Pillay Cemjee Thomas  
click to view detail Pillay Samuel  
click to view detail Pillay Timothy Cornelius  
click to view detail Pillinger Florence 1879
click to view detail Pim William  
click to view detail Pinch Lewis  
350 Pages:  First Previous 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 ..212 ..220 ..235 ..264 Next Last
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