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 Hicky’s Bengal Gazette
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Names transcribed from the entire run of Hicky's Bengal Gazette, or The Original Calcutta General Advertiser 1780-1782. The table includes all of the volumes held by the British Library and the University of Heidelberg, along with some gaps filled by issues from the National Library of India and the High Court of Calcutta [Courtesy of Andrew Otis].
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Displaying 721 to 750 of 3055 results

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click to view detail Farmer G Captain Commander of Ship At Sea 3 June 1780
click to view detail Gibson   Captain Commander of Ship Archin 3 June 1780
click to view detail Richeson   Captain Commander of Ship Archin 3 June 1780
click to view detail Smart   Captain Commander of Ship Archin 3 June 1780
click to view detail Bracey James Captain Commander of Ship Mutingar 10 June 1780
click to view detail Parks   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Fenwick   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Scott James Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail De Souza   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Dundas J Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Watson   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Lockyer   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Hughes Edward Admiral Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail King Richard Commander Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Talbot George Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Riddall   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Rainier Peter Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Pawton Alexander Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail McCloy   Captain Commander of Ship Madras 10 June 1780
click to view detail Cotton Joseph Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Rogers J Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Sutton   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Parker   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Durand   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Hamilton   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Webb   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Le Measuries   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Blanchard   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Scott R Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
click to view detail Morgan   Captain Commander of Ship England 17 June 1780
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