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 European inhabitants - Bengal
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Returns of non-official European Inhabitants in Bengal 1793-1830 held by the British Library IOR/O/5/26 & 27. Lists European Inhabitants residing in Bengal, Calcutta, and outlying districts. Both in the service of, and not in the service of The HEIC.
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European Residents - Calcutta Environs 1793
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 322 results

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click to view detail Achilles Constantine Greek Merchant
click to view detail Alexander Panioty Greek Merchant
click to view detail Angely George Greek Merchant
click to view detail Athanasius Demetrius Greek Merchant
click to view detail Bandalachos John Greek Merchant
click to view detail Buckley John Merchant
click to view detail Bulgar Anthony Greek Merchant
click to view detail Catonus Nicholas Greek Merchant
click to view detail Christodulos Constantine Greek Merchant
click to view detail Columbus George Greek Merchant
click to view detail Constantine Angeny Greek Merchant
click to view detail Constantine Anastacius Greek Merchant
click to view detail Demetrius Athanasius Greek Merchant
click to view detail Ducas Constantine Greek Merchant
click to view detail Ducas Angelo Greek Merchant
click to view detail Davidson Thomas Merchant
click to view detail Eliah Demetrius Greek Merchant
click to view detail Elive J B Merchant
click to view detail Fascolo Antonio Greek Merchant
click to view detail George Demetrius Greek Merchant
click to view detail George Emanuel Greek Merchant
click to view detail Golanos Demetrius Greek Merchant
click to view detail Herbert John Merchant
click to view detail Hollings William Merchant
click to view detail Horsley M C Merchant
click to view detail Jerols Nathaniel Greek Clergyman
click to view detail Jessay Symeon Greek Merchant
click to view detail John Manuel Greek Merchant
click to view detail John Hamaly Greek Merchant
click to view detail Jessay John Greek Merchant
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