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St John in the Wilderness, Dharamsala - Grave Transcriptions
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Displaying 1 to 30 of 39 results

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click to view detail Crawford John Duncan Surgeon Major 1871
click to view detail Blackall Elizabeth Anne   1871
click to view detail Davies George Apothecary 1871
click to view detail Craddock William   1872
click to view detail Craddock Mary Charlotte   1873
click to view detail Hughes Georgiana Matilda   1873
click to view detail Knowles Thomas William   1883
click to view detail Considine Eliza Augusta Isabella   1874
click to view detail Whitchurch Harry Frederic Major 1907
click to view detail Glascock Guy Vernon Coulson   1881
click to view detail Switzer Elizabeth   1895
click to view detail Reuther Adelaide Augusta Theresa   1885
click to view detail Roberts Philip Gavin   1884
click to view detail OBrien [O'Brien] Edward   1893
click to view detail Vaughan Florence Mary   1880
click to view detail Spankie John Acworth   1835
click to view detail Davies Charles   1879
click to view detail Dawson James   1876
click to view detail Smith John   1875
click to view detail Warren Eli   1875
click to view detail Muscroft James Capt 1905
click to view detail Reilly Francis Tigue   1875
click to view detail Reilly Edmond Patrick   1875
click to view detail Reilly William   1875
click to view detail Reilly Mary Agnes Alice   1875
click to view detail Archer Ethel   1915
click to view detail Alexander Lois   1911
click to view detail Goldknath Jane Christiana   1936
click to view detail Mills William Sgt 1890
click to view detail Bear W Private 1893
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