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Go to record Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser
 Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798

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Date transcribed2017-01-10
Transcribed byPeter Summers
CommentNames transcribed from the four editions of the Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser held by the British Library, 1793 - 1798.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Perie..." in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Surname  Perie...    
Rank  Mr    
View all other items of "Location" with value "Goa" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Location  Goa    
Summary Remarks  Fragmentary article regarding the capture and loss on an unnamed vessel, commanded by Captain Chalmers, Mr Thomas Hussey, former Chief Officer of the Ship Myrtle mentions the unfortunate fate of Captain Chalmers. The ship after being captured was run so close into shore, and brought up to unload the cargo. He was anchored but broke her cable and ran aground. After his capture Mr Hussey was treated badly before his release and was obliged to make use of a gunny bag. Before release he received 13 rupees for the officers and ship's company. He speaks in highest respect for Mr Perie... at Goa, for his friendly attentiveness, of Captain Smith [a passenger on the captured vessel] he says more than the Editor has language to express.    
View all other items of "Article  Type" with value "News Article" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Article Type  News Article    
View all other items of "Issue  Number" with value "Vol. VI, No. 276" in "Asiatic Mirror 1793 - 1798" Issue Number  Vol. VI, No. 276    
Issue Day  22    
Issue Month  May    
Issue Year  1793    
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Names transcribed from the four editions of the Asiatic Mirror and Commercial Advertiser held by the British Library, 1793 - 1798
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