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 Madras In memoriam notices

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Date transcribed2015-10-31
Transcribed byPeter Evans
CommentNational Library of Wales - In memoriam notices in Welsh publications of people with India connection

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Hood" in "Madras In memoriam notices" Surname  Hood    
Given names  Samuel    
Rank  Admiral    
Place  Madras    
Year  1814    
Month  December    
Day  24    
Entry  At Madras, the 24th December, Admiral Sir Samuel Hood, K. B. Commander in Chief of H. M. Naval Forces in the East Indies. No officer ever exceeded him for the united qualities of zeal, enterprise, and judgment. Not to mention earlier instances of his merit, he brought the Juno frigate out of Toulon harbour, when the continuance, of the British colours there had tempted him into it, after the French were in possession of it. In the battle of Aboukir, he commanded the Zealous; and when the two French ships of the line made their escape after the action, he stood out after them both but; Lord Nelson, finding he could not support him would not suffer him to pursue them singly. He afterwards lost an arm in the capture of five French frigates. Finally, in the Baltic, being ahead of his own fleet, he pursued the whole Russian fleet, of 15 or 16 sail of the line; relying upon being speedily supported by his friend, the gallant Byam Martin and ultimately by the whole. His courage was again successful, and the strain of affectionate praise in which he mentioned his Second, was truly Nelsonian, like all the rest of his conduct.     
View all other items of "Publication" with value "North Wales Gazette" in "Madras In memoriam notices" Publication  North Wales Gazette    
Edition Year  1815    
Edition month  June    
Edition date  15    
Page No  3    
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Welsh Newspapers Online (1804-1919) (http://newspapers.library.wales/home). 700 english language entries transcribed from the Family Notices that have a reference to 'Madras'. Transcribed by Peter Evans with the cooperation of the National Library of Wales.
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