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Go to record Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce
 Deaths 1847

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Date transcribed2010-10-13
Transcribed byD Edge, J Birtles, M Holmes, A Webb, J Adler, S Parker, A Goodchild, B Rudder, L Fretwell, J Harrison, P Stanes, D Stephens
Comment1443 deaths extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 1847 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India.

View all other items of "Surname" with value "Augusto" in "Deaths 1847" Surname  Augusto    
Given name(s)  A C    
View all other items of "Place" with value "Bombay" in "Deaths 1847" Place  Bombay    
Year  1847    
month  Mar    
day  20    
Register Entry  On the 20th March Mr A C Augusto a well-known Architect in this Presidency regarding whom one high in the Government service recorded that there was ""no one in Bombay who could equal with him in Architectural knowledge."" In the numerous regular and tasteful buildings both public and private several temples of various religions included he leaves as many monuments of his talents. On the occasion of the foundation ceremony of Christ Church at Byculla he was presented with a beautiful silver trowel bearing this inscription ""Presented to A C Augusto Architect by the Earl of Clare 24th April 1832."" The Court of Directors were pleased to bestow on him in 1827 the sum of Rupees 2000 in approbation of his important services in drawing the plans of the Town Hall (commenced at first by the late Colonel Cowper). He was educated by the Jesuits at Goa his native country and as declared by General Goodfellow did credit to his instructors; and all will admit in Bombay that this Presidency has lost in him a valuable Architect. He leaves a large circle of relations to lament his irreparable loss    
Edition Year  1847    
Edition Date  24 Mar    
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Birth, marriages and death entries extracted from the domestic occurrences mentioned in the 'Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce' which was the pre-cursor for the Times of India.
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