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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Bengal Baptisms for the value 'Free Church of ScotlandChurch, Wellesley Square, Calcutta'  in field Where Baptised

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View Member submitted material > HAL-0282Ecclesiastical Returns
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Said to be born19 Sept 1873
First name Arnold Clare Bryan
Baptised SurnameRoberts
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Said to be born17 July 1873
First name Kenneth Clyne
Baptised SurnameTweeddale
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Said to be born10 Aug 1873
First name Catherine Stella
Baptised SurnameSmith
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Said to be born6 Aug 1873
First name Norwood Alexander Reid
Baptised SurnameWatson
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Said to be born2 Nov 1873
First name Hugh Malcolm
Baptised SurnameInglis
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Said to be born10 Dec 1873
First name Bessie Todrick
Baptised SurnameDods
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Said to be born14 Aug 1873
First name Roselina Elizabeth
Baptised SurnameBarrett
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Said to be born27 Oct 1874
First name Beryl Eliza
Baptised SurnameKellner
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Said to be born5 Nov 1874
First name Andrew Miller
Baptised SurnameMitchell
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Said to be born4 Oct 1874
First name Hermione Winifred
Baptised SurnameNewman
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Said to be born11 Nov 1874
First name Lilian Mary
Baptised SurnameWest
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Said to be born29 Nov 1874
First name Mabel Evelyn
Baptised SurnameTweeddale
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