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Go to record European Inhabitants - Bombay European Inhabitants - Bombay
 1770-1780 Free Merchants, Seafaring & Other Inhabitants, Constant & Non - Bombay

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DescriptionEuropean Inhabitants at Bombay & Factories Subordinate - 1770-1780. IOR/O/5/31 pt 2 and LDS Film: 2104568.

1772 entries were signed off at Bombay Castle 28 Apr 1772.
1776 entries were signed off at Bombay Castle 22 Dec 1776.
1780 entries were signed off at Bombay Castle 30 Apr 1780.
Date transcribed2012-02-10
Transcribed bySylvia Murphy
CommentList includes those who have and those who do not appear to have the Honorable Companys permission to proceed to or remain in India with their several stations, employments, places of residence and time of arrival in India
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View all other items of "Surname" with value "Lane" in "1770-1780 Free Merchants, Seafaring & Other Inhabitants, Constant & Non - Bombay" Surname  Lane    
First Name  William    
Title / Rank  late Captain    
Status  HEIC Permission to Reside    
View all other items of "Residence" with value "Bombay" in "1770-1780 Free Merchants, Seafaring & Other Inhabitants, Constant & Non - Bombay" Residence  Bombay    
Employment / Description  late a captain in the HEIC Military    
Arrived  1727    
IOR ref  IOR/O/5/31 pt 2    
Date signed off  1770    
LDS ref  film 2104568    
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Lists of inhabitants between 1720 and 1780, non-military population of Bombay. Held by the British Library IOR/O/5/31 Part 1 & 2. Biographical series, Europeans in India, European Inhabitants Bombay.
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