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Go to record Post Office of India during the Great War - [1914-1920] Post Office of India during the Great War - [1914-1920]
 Post Office in India Staff serving during WW1 and NW Frontier 1914-1920 - Appendix IV

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DescriptionExtracted from the Appendix sections from the book: The Post Office of India in the Great War by Lt Col H A Sams CIE ICS, published Bombay the Times Press 1922.
Book is available at Internet Archive:

There is a War Memorial Tablet that hangs in the General Post Office, Bombay. A photo of this plaque is in the book adjacent to the title page (8)
Date transcribed2024-02-26
Transcribed byAgnes Cool
CommentAppendix IV: List of Staff Personnel who served in the India Post Office during the Great War and North-Western Frontier, 1914-1920 - starts pg 335 (357). Includes Rank & File, & Followers. 'Followers' were the non combatant ranks of the Indian Army - cooks, sweepers, grooms, water-carriers and so on.
Note: I believe that in many cases the initial before the name of a native denotes the title eg: B = Baboo, Mg = Maung.

First name  S N Theogarajan    
View all other items of "Surname" with value "Timbar" in "Post Office in India Staff serving during WW1 and NW Frontier 1914-1920 - Appendix IV" Surname  Timbar    
Rank / Title  Follower    
Location / Circle  Madras    
Force  MEF    
Apx 4 pg no.  407    
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Book Information: The Post Office of India in the Great War. Edited by Lieut-Col Hubert Arthur Sams CIE, ICS late Director of Postal Services Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force. Bombay: The Times Press 1922
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