Military records
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Madras Army Musters 1762 |
Madras Muster List, April 1762 - Officers and Troops
Date transcribed | 2017-09-02 | Transcribed by | Peter Bailey | Comment | The list is comprised some 1700 men. It is interesting to note that although the majority originate from England, as many as 156 are from France. Other nationalities are Ireland (98), Germany (155), Holland (65), Scotland (60), India (58), Switzerland (27), Flanders (18), Madagascar (18) plus others. |
| Surname | Cormichael | | First Name | Henry | | Rank | Serjeant | | Company | Capt. Blacks Co of Infantry in the 2nd Battalion | | Location | Trichinopoly  | | Arrival Date | May | | Arrival Year | 1751 | | Origin | Holland  |
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Apr 1762 MRs (inc officers) arranged by station, giving rank, date of rank, country of origin, date and ship of arrival, date of enlistment or re-enlistment, term of service, from where received, for what duty fitted, and age.