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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Marriages 1808 for the value 'Bengal'  in field Location

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View Publications > Newspapers/PeriodicalsAsiatic Annual Register
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Groom Surname: Porter Groom First name: J K Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Cussons Bride First name: E Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Dacre Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Assey Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Ochterloney Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Nelly Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Wyate Groom First name: R Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Roseboom Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Aug
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Groom Surname: Martin Groom Rank/ Title: Lieut Bride Surname: Macpherson Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Sep
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Groom Surname: Metcalfe Groom First name: H Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Burnett Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Sep
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Groom Surname: Kidd Groom First name: J Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Cawley Bride First name: M M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Sep
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Groom Surname: Stalkart Groom First name: M Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Smith Bride First name: C Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Sep
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Groom Surname: Strachey Groom First name: E Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Kirkpatrick Bride First name: J W Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: Kinsey Groom First name: W Groom Rank/ Title: Captain Bride Surname: M'Cheur Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: Alexander Groom First name: H Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Pringle Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: Campbell Groom First name: D Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Treves Bride First name: H Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: de Souza Groom First name: Lewis Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Whitemore Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1808 Month: Oct
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Groom Surname: Schoolfield Groom First name: Joseph Gabriel Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Burbon Bride First name: Isabella Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1808 Month: Nov
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Groom Surname: Dunn Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Junior Bride Surname: Gee Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Nov
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Groom Surname: Howard Groom First name: Robert Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Wroughton Bride First name: Maria Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Nov
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Groom Surname: Thomas Groom First name: R E Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Macdougal Bride First name: M Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Dec
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Groom Surname: Ellerton Groom First name: J Groom Rank/ Title: Esq Bride Surname: Dunn Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1808 Month: Dec
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Groom Surname: Dumbleton Groom First name: C Groom Rank/ Title: Esq CS Bride Surname: St Leger Bride First name: A Bride Title: Miss Year: 1808 Month: Dec
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Groom Surname: Wattell Groom First name: W P Groom Rank/ Title: Mr Bride Surname: Dodd Bride First name: S Bride Title: Mrs Year: 1808 Month: Dec
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