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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset India and Burma Cemetery Record Books A-F for the value 'Cantonment'  in field Cemetery

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View Cemetery & Memorials > BACSAIndia and Burma
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Surname: Duff Forename(s): Private Dennis Date of death: 1818
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Surname: Duffey Forename(s): James William Date of death: 1868
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Surname: Duffield Forename(s): Private James Date of death: 1826
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Surname: Duffil Forename(s): Emma Date of death: 06 Dec. 1933
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Surname: Duffin Forename(s): d/o Colonel Adam Date of death: 1836
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Surname: Duffin Forename(s): Private James Date of death: 1854
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Surname: Duffin Forename(s): Private Joseph Date of death: 1846
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Surname: Duffin Forename(s): Agness Jane Date of death: 07 Sep. 1863
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Surname: Duffin Forename(s): Alma Maria Date of death: 05 Jan. 1860
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Surname: Duffy Forename(s): Private James Date of death: 1851
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Surname: Duggin Forename(s): Mary Ann Date of death: 1826
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Surname: Duignan Forename(s): John Date of death: 22 Aug. 1890
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Surname: Duke Forename(s): Corporal Henry Date of death: 1888
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Surname: Duke Forename(s): Surgeon Major William Alexander Date of death: 1883
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Surname: Dukes Forename(s): Blanche Mary Date of death: 22 May. 1879
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Surname: Dulland Forename(s): Private Michael Date of death: 1828
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Surname: Dullard Forename(s): Private Michael Date of death: 1846
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Surname: Dumergue Forename(s): Mary Dorah Date of death: 28 Aug. 1849
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Surname: Dun Forename(s): Maxwell Robert Date of death: 26 Jun. 1838
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Surname: Dunbar Forename(s): Gunner George Date of death: 1856
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Surname: Dunbar Forename(s): James Date of death: 1856
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): Anne Date of death: 1827
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): Emma Catherine Date of death: 1857
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): William Date of death: 1847
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): A.W.
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): Barbara Date of death: 23 Feb. 1833
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): Lucy Sarah Josephine Date of death: 23 Oct. 1838
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Surname: Duncan Forename(s): Mansell Onslow Inge Date of death: 06 Sep. 1839
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Surname: Dunford Forename(s): W.G. Date of death: 31 Oct. 1918
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Surname: Dunford Forename(s): W.G. Date of death: 1914 to 1919
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