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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Indian Civil Service'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Adams Given Names: Hugh Irving Year Entered: 1896 Year of Birth: 1882
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Surname: Atkinson Given Names: Francis Damer Year Entered: 1886 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Badcock Given Names: Minden Francis Year Entered: 1910 Year of Birth: 1895
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Surname: Barrow Given Names: Reginald Lousada Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1889
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Surname: Bird Given Names: Arthur James Glover Year Entered: 1896 Year of Birth: 1883
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Surname: Blyth Given Names: John Dunbar Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1889
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Surname: Brown Given Names: Charles Allen Year Entered: 1870 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Bullock Given Names: Dennis Argent Year Entered: 1909 Year of Birth: 1895
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Surname: Campbell Given Names: Ian Vincent Hamilton Year Entered: 1909 Year of Birth: 1895
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Surname: Candy Given Names: Lionel Edward Year Entered: 1892 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Conolly Given Names: Arthur Year Entered: 1858 Year of Birth: 1842
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Surname: Conolly Given Names: Edward Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1844
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Surname: Conybeare Given Names: Maynard Henry Crawford Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Conybeare Given Names: Edward Bruce Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1892
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Surname: Conybeare Given Names: Charles Brodhurst Year Entered: 1906 Year of Birth: 1896
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Surname: Conybeare Given Names: Bernard Mortimer Year Entered: 1908 Year of Birth: 1898
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Surname: Cooke Given Names: Thomas Fothergill Year Entered: 1901 Year of Birth: 1889
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Surname: Cooke Given Names: Robert McDowall Fothergill Year Entered: 1902 Year of Birth: 1892
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Surname: Cordeaux Given Names: Harold Edward Spiller Year Entered: 1884 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Elliott Hampden Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Rowland Howard Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1888
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Surname: Dane Given Names: Francis Arthur Year Entered: 1900 Year of Birth: 1886
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Surname: De Lautour Given Names: Henry Archibald Year Entered: 1861 Year of Birth: 1849
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Surname: Dyce Given Names: Cecil Coles Year Entered: 1859 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Dyce Given Names: George Hugh Coles Year Entered: 1859 Year of Birth: 1846
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Surname: Egerton Given Names: George Year Entered: 1873 Year of Birth: 1859
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Surname: Egerton, later Marjoribanks-Egerton Given Names: John Year Entered: 1872 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Farmer Given Names: Donald William Year Entered: 1898 Year of Birth: 1884
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Surname: Fry Given Names: Kenneth Robert Burgess Year Entered: 1897 Year of Birth: 1883
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Surname: Fulton Given Names: John Henry Westropp Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1880
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