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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value 'Church of England'  in field Unit or locality

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Surname: Addington Given Names: Charles John Year Entered: 1843 Year of Birth: 1832
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Surname: Armstrong Given Names: John Arthur Year Entered: 1852 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Auchmuty Given Names: Samuel Forbes Frederick Year Entered: 1851 Year of Birth: 1841
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Surname: Baker Given Names: Thomas Durand Year Entered: 1846 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Bell Given Names: Arnold Septimus Year Entered: 1883 Year of Birth: 1868
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Surname: Bellairs Given Names: Henry Spencer Kenrick Year Entered: 1850 Year of Birth: 1840
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Surname: Brereton Given Names: Willoughby Thomas Year Entered: 1853 Year of Birth: 1838
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Surname: Brierley Given Names: Wilfred Edward Year Entered: 1895 Year of Birth: 1881
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Surname: Browne, later Jemmes-Browne Given Names: Edward Francis Year Entered: 1844 Year of Birth: 1835
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Surname: Buckingham Given Names: James Year Entered: 1860 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Burlton Given Names: Charles Henry Beaumont Year Entered: 1868 Year of Birth: 1851
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Surname: Buston Given Names: Philip Thomas Year Entered: 1867 Year of Birth: 1853
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Surname: Close Given Names: Henry Pelham Year Entered: 1842 Year of Birth: 1830
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Surname: Close Given Names: John Baptiste Granville Year Entered: 1842 Year of Birth: 1826
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Surname: Coates Given Names: Sydney Baron Year Entered: 1899 Year of Birth: 1883
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Surname: Corbett Given Names: Frank Vincent Year Entered: 1857 Year of Birth: 1843
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Surname: Daubeny Given Names: Alfred Goodlad Year Entered: 1845 Year of Birth: 1834
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Surname: Denne Given Names: Richard William Arthur Year Entered: 1880 Year of Birth: 1865
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Surname: Ford Given Names: John Year Entered: 1850 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Fynes-Clinton Given Names: Dormer Year Entered: 1841 Year of Birth: 1830
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Surname: Geneste Given Names: Maximilian Goodwin Year Entered: 1842 Year of Birth: 1831
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Surname: Girardot Given Names: Henry Year Entered: 1850 Year of Birth: 1837
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Surname: Grant Given Names: Francis Charles Year Entered: 1874 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: Griffiths Given Names: Henry Harcourt Year Entered: 1849 Year of Birth: 1839
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Surname: Hammond Given Names: William Whitmore Year Entered: 1863 Year of Birth: 1848
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Surname: Hanson Given Names: Edward Beversham Year Entered: 1873 Year of Birth: 1858
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Surname: James Given Names: Basil Humphery Year Entered: 1883 Year of Birth: 1868
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Surname: Kempson Given Names: Simon Matthews Edwin Year Entered: 1841 Year of Birth: 1831
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Surname: Kirby Given Names: Norborne Year Entered: 1876 Year of Birth: 1863
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Surname: Knox Given Names: James Henry Year Entered: 1847 Year of Birth: 1837
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