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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value '1890'  in field Year Entered

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Surname: Adami Given Names: George Frederick Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Anderson Given Names: Cecil Haig Learmouth Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Bain Given Names: Charles Stuart Mill Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1882
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Surname: Baker Given Names: George Harding Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1878
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Surname: Bedford Given Names: Stuart Gordon Guthrie Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1877
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Surname: Bignell Given Names: Bertram Harold Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Birch Given Names: Valentine Kingston Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Burgoyne Given Names: Roderick Murrie Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Burton Given Names: William Singer Clerke Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Burton Given Names: Robert Clerke Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1877
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Surname: Clarke Given Names: Herbert William Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1877
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Surname: Collen Given Names: Edwin Henry Ethelbert Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Galletti di Cadilhac Given Names: Arthur Marie Agricola Collier Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1877
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Surname: Grant Given Names: John Duncan Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1877
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Surname: Hooper Given Names: John Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1879
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Surname: Jones-Mortimer Given Names: Lambton Allen Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Learoyd Given Names: Harold Brook Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Maude Given Names: Cornwallis Charles Wyndham Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Murray Given Names: Francis Stewart James Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Ogilvie Given Names: Hugh Cecil Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1880
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Surname: Parsons Given Names: Kenneth Jerrard Templeton Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Shelley Given Names: Spencer Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1878
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Surname: Smith, later Percy-Smith Given Names: Vernon Percy Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Smith, later Percy-Smith Given Names: Eric Sydney Percy Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1879
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Surname: St Clair-Ford Given Names: Leicester St Clair Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1879
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Surname: Stoney Given Names: Richard Francis Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1876
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Surname: Strong Given Names: Herbert Percy Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Symons Given Names: John Warin Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Torrie Given Names: Claud Jameson Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1879
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Surname: Torrie Given Names: Thomas George Jameson Year Entered: 1890 Year of Birth: 1880
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