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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value '1885'  in field Year Entered

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Surname: Adams Given Names: Francis Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Algar Given Names: Alick Hamilton Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1872
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Surname: Anley Given Names: Herbert Lempriere Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Boileau Given Names: Bertrand Henry Carter Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: Brooke Given Names: Herbert Otto Wildman Goodwyn Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Bruce Given Names: Thomas Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Chichele-Plowden Given Names: Trevor Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: Cullen Given Names: Ernest Henry Scott Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: De Montmorency Given Names: Reymond Hervey Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Hodgson Given Names: Philip Egerton Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: James Given Names: Arthur Keednell Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1875
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Surname: James Given Names: William Stephen Harvey Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1872
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Surname: John Given Names: Rochfort Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: Kettlewell Given Names: Arthur Bradley Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Langtry Given Names: Henry Vivian Montague Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: McAlester Given Names: William Henry Somerville Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Montagu Given Names: Drogo Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Moore Given Names: Pierce Longrishe Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1873
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Surname: Mulliken Given Names: Charles Francis Larkin Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Muntz Given Names: Edward Algernon Ernest Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Prendergast Given Names: Harry Young Dalrymple Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Price, later Price-Dent Given Names: Philip Hampton Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Rolt Given Names: Wildfrid Francis Caswall Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1869
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Surname: Row Given Names: Herbert Raleigh Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1874
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Surname: Russell Given Names: Charles Frederick Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1871
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Surname: Stopford Given Names: Ronayne William Eyre Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1873
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Surname: Thornton Given Names: Hugh Aylmer Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1872
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Surname: Turton Given Names: Hugh Mitchell Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1870
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Surname: Williams Given Names: Augustus Gwatkin Year Entered: 1885 Year of Birth: 1872
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