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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Cheltenham College Register 1841-1910 for the value '1905'  in field Year Entered

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View Publications > Book indexesSchools and Colleges
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Surname: Bivar Given Names: Hugh Godfrey Stuart Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1897
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Surname: Crooke Given Names: Hugh Neville Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1897
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Surname: Cuerden Given Names: Harold Seymour Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1894
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Surname: Dickinson Given Names: William Vicris Digby Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1889
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Surname: Farran Given Names: Tom Keppel Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Garbett Given Names: Desmond Lauderdale Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1892
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Surname: Harding Given Names: Jack Maynard Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1894
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Surname: Horden Given Names: Clifford Willoughby Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Howe Given Names: Russell Beresford Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Landale Given Names: Charles Hugh Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: MacNeece Given Names: James Douglas Gaussen Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: McKay Given Names: William Kellock Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Shewen Given Names: Douglas Gordon Pigou Mansel Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Stewart Given Names: Alexander Dugald Lorn Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Tandy Given Names: Archdale Maurice Stratford Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1890
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Surname: Wace Given Names: Ferdinand Blyth Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Watkis Given Names: Harold Lithgow Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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Surname: Weir Given Names: Peter Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1892
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Surname: Winter Given Names: Wilfred Ormonde Year Entered: 1905 Year of Birth: 1891
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