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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Winchester College Register 1836-1906 for the value 'Esquire'  in field Rank

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Surname: Alban Given names: Clifton Frederick Samuel Year of birth: 1856 Rank: Lieut.-Colonel
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Surname: Aldridge Given names: John Year of birth: 1837 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Anderson Given names: Henry Year of birth: 1880 Rank: Civil engineer
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Surname: Anstruther Given names: William Thomas Year of birth: 1857
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Surname: Arcedeckne-Butler Given names: St John Henry Year of birth: 1868 Rank: Tea planter
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Surname: Arthur Given names: Edmond John Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Arthur Given names: Henry Bartle Compton Year of birth: 1879 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Arthur Given names: Oswald George Year of birth: 1869 Rank: Acting Deputy Commissioner
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Surname: Bailey Given names: Charles Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Barnes Given names: Francis Carnac Year of birth: 1851 Rank: Official Superintendent of Stamps and Stationery
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Surname: Barttelot Given names: George Frederic Year of birth: 1865 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Bates Given names: Edward Bertram Year of birth: 1877 Rank: Head
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Surname: Benbow Given names: John Edward Year of birth: 1858 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Blackburn Given names: Henry Leith Year of birth: 1822 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Bonham-Carter Given names: Herman Year of birth: 1863 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Bray Given names: Claude Arthur Year of birth: 1858 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Bright Given names: Arthur Year of birth: 1831 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Bright Given names: George Year of birth: 1826 Rank: Judge
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Surname: Bright Given names: Robert Onesiphorus Year of birth: 1823 Rank: Major General
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Surname: Brodie Given names: Alastair William Douglas Mathew Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Browne Given names: Robert Arthur Year of birth: 1864 Rank: Brevet Major
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Surname: Buckland Given names: Herbert William Year of birth: 1855 Rank: Solicitor
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Surname: Budd Given names: Norman Arthur Hay Year of birth: 1864 Rank: Major
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Surname: Burges Given names: Daniel Year of birth: 1873 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Carter Given names: George William Year of birth: 1842 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Cavendish Given names: Richard Reginald Frederick Year of birth: 1857 Rank: Planter
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Surname: Chamier Given names: Edwin Francis Year of birth: 1848 Rank: Land agent
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Surname: Chaplin Given names: Ronald Eustace Year of birth: 1866 Rank: Major
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Surname: Chevenix-Trench Given names: George Frederick Year of birth: 1859 Rank: Major
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Surname: Chichele-Plowden Given names: Trevor John Year of birth: 1846 Rank: Commissioner
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