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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Winchester College Register 1836-1906 for the value 'Colonel'  in field Rank

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Surname: Abadie Given names: Harry Bertram Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Aldridge Given names: Herbert Henry Year of birth: 1869 Rank: Trooper
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Surname: Blogg Given names: Fowler Babington Year of birth: 1852 Rank: Clergyman
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Surname: Cripps Given names: Reginald Year of birth: 1868 Rank: Assistant Secretary
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Surname: Daly Given names: Hugh Year of birth: 1860 Rank: Deputy Secretary
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Surname: Drummond-Hay Given names: Henry Lawrence Year of birth: 1869 Rank: Tea planter
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Surname: Elliot Given names: James John Year of birth: 1836
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Surname: Graham Given names: Robert Arthur Year of birth: 1870 Rank: Secretary
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Surname: Hardy Given names: William Kyle Year of birth: 1865 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Haughton Given names: Henry Lawrence Year of birth: 1883 Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
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Surname: Holroyd Given names: George William Fraser Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Demonstrator
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Surname: Home Given names: James Murray Year of birth: 1866 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Johnson Given names: Arthur Cyril Beaumont Year of birth: 1863 Rank: Major
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Surname: Lawrence Given names: Henry Rundle Year of birth: 1878 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Marshall Given names: Thomas Outram Year of birth: 1842 Rank: Clergyman
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Surname: Martin Given names: Ranald Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Montgomerie Given names: Hastings Seton Year of birth: 1872 Rank: Solicitor
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Surname: Napier Given names: Owen Lloyd Hownam Year of birth: 1869 Rank: Divisional Forest Officer
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Surname: Paske Given names: Gordon Henry Year of birth: 1861 Rank: Major
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Surname: Prichard Given names: George Penry Montagu Year of birth: 1854 Rank: Colonel
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Surname: Sibley Given names: Norman Wise Year of birth: 1860 Rank: Barrister
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Surname: Trench Given names: Richard John Chenevix Year of birth: 1876 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Urmston Given names: Henry Brabazon Year of birth: 1851 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Ward Given names: Henry Charles Swinburne Year of birth: 1879 Rank: Lieutenant
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