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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Winchester College Register 1836-1906 for the value '1871'  in field Year of birth

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View Publications > Book indexesSchools and Colleges
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Surname: Brodie Given names: Alastair William Douglas Mathew Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Cornish Given names: Francis Thackeray Warre Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Dobbs Given names: Henry Robert Conway Year of birth: 1871
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Surname: Hankey Given names: Arthur Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Clergyman and Assistant Master
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Surname: Hanson Given names: Clarence Oldham Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Deputy Conservator
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Surname: Hearn Given names: Gordon Ridley Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Executive Engineer
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Surname: Holroyd Given names: George William Fraser Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Demonstrator
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Surname: Hopwood Given names: Herbert Reginald Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Captain
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Surname: King Given names: William Henry Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Tea planter
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Surname: Long Given names: Wilfred James Year of birth: 1871 Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
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Surname: Martin Given names: Ranald Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Meares Given names: John Willoughby Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Electrical Engineer
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Surname: Ollivant Given names: Alfred Henry Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Captain
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Surname: Poulter Given names: Douglas Ryley Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Pugh Given names: Archibald John Year of birth: 1871
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Surname: Sheepshanks Given names: Richard Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Registrar
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Surname: Spencer-Churchill Given names: Charles Richard John Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Marquis
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Surname: Stephens Given names: Berkeley John Byng Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Manager
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Surname: Turner Given names: Arthur Edward Year of birth: 1871
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Surname: Tylden-Pattenson Given names: Edward Cooke Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Lieutenant
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Surname: Waite Given names: Arthur Year of birth: 1871 Rank: Tea planter
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