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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Times of India, 1863 - Arrivals for the value 'Benares'  in field Ship

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View Maritime > Arrival & DeparturesTimes of India - Newspaper
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Bromley Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Dobson Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Sharpe Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Wylle Title: Ensign
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Rigby Title: Col
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Speed Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Plunkett Title: Hon Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Langley Title: Mrs
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Lewis Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Wilson Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Needham Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Lennant Title: Lieut
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Ducat Title: Capt
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Barclay Title: Dr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Gwyn Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Lang Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Reed Title: Mrs
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Cale Title: Mrs
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Halerton Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Brown Title: Lieut
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Tyndall Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Richardson Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Scott Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Redknop Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Hook Title: Major
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Goldsmid Title: Col
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Browne other names: C Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: East other names: W Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Cassels Title: Mr
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Date: 26 Nov Year: 1863 Passenger Surname: Saunders Title: Lieut
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