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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Times of India, 1874 - Departures for the value 'Southampton'  in field Ship Destination

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View Maritime > Arrival & DeparturesTimes of India - Newspaper
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Banerjee other names: SN Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Hobart Title: Capt
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Druit Title: Dr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Goldingham Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Stanley Title: Miss
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Knox other names: C Title: Mr. CS
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Thornhill other names: George Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Knox other names: HT Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Arathoon other names: Albert Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Parker Title: Miss
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Bruce other names: M Title: Master
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Batten Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Gunning Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Bett Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Bowen Title: Col
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Broughten Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Austin Title: Mrs
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Duckworth other names: J Title: Dr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Haye other names: JC Title: Major, MSC
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Clarke other names: Thomas Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Harper Title: Miss
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: O'Flaherty Title: Mr
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Date: 30 Mar Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Curtis other names: HJGC Title: Lieut
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: English other names: CR Title: Mr
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Smart Title: Col
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Tupp other names: AC Title: Mr
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Smith other names: John Title: Mr
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Maxwell Title: Major
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Smirke Title: Lieut
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Date: 6 Apr Year: 1874 Pass Surname: Fairweather Title: Dr
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