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View Maritime > Arrival & DeparturesTimes of India - Newspaper
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: MacLean other names: JA Title: 2nd Lt 5th Lancers
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Goodair other names: WA Title: Lt 5th Lancers
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Sherston other names: WM Title: Capt 18th Hus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Barclay Title: 2nd Lt 18th Hus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Maude other names: RJ Title: Capt 1st RI Bde
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Cockburn other names: G Title: Capt 1st RI Bde
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Alexander other names: RJ Title: 2nd Lt 1st RI Bde
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Dowdall other names: TP Title: 2nd Lt 7th York LI
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Hogarth other names: JHHSD Title: Major 1st KOS Bord
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Dradge other names: D Title: 2nd Lt 2nd Ox LI
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Dawson other names: EAF Title: Lieut 3rd RI Bde
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Hare other names: H Title: Major 2nd RI Muns Fus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Mellows other names: FF Title: Lieut 2nd RI Muns Fus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: O'Meagher other names: IR Title: 2nd Lt 2nd RI Muns Fus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Grant other names: JH Title: Lieut 1st Suf Regt
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Smith other names: FV Title: 2nd Lt 1st Suf Regt
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Burnet other names: AR Title: 2nd Lt 1st Suf Regt
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Strachan other names: EA Title: Capt 2nd Innis Fus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Nicholson other names: GH Title: Lieut 1st Hants Regt
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Lugard other names: EJ Title: Major & Col 2nd RI Lancers
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Thomson other names: J Title: Lieut & Qrmr 2nd North Fus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Markey other names: EC Title: Bde-Surg Med Staff
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Blennerhassett other names: BM Title: Surg-Major Med Staff
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Maunsell other names: EM Title: Surg Med Staff
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Marr other names: W Title: Hon Lieut Bi PWD
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Walker other names: F Title: Vet Surg AVD
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Searle other names: PC Title: 2nd Lt 2nd Shrop Regt
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Biscoe other names: OD Tynedale Title: 2nd Lt 11th Hus
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Hamilton other names: AS Title: 2nd Lt 1st Derby
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Date: 30 Sep Year: 1889 Passenger Surname: Hodding other names: JS Title: Lieut 2nd S Stafford
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