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The results of your search in dataset click to view dataset Banns of Marriage 1849-1924 for the value 'Bachelor'  in field Profession/civil status

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View Birth Marriage & Deaths > Marriages > St Helena BannsSt James Banns of Marriage
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Year: 1891 Groom surname: Adams Groom given names: Thomas William Bride surname: Euley Bride given names: Sarah Ann
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Year: 1891 Groom surname: Benjamin Groom given names: Samuel Bride surname: Brooks Bride given names: Ann
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: Anderson Groom given names: Albert Percival Bride surname: Bedwell Bride given names: Florence Amelia
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: Maggllen Groom given names: Francis Bride surname: Samuels Bride given names: Julia
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: Williams Groom given names: John Cornelius Bride surname: Philips Bride given names: Louisa
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: da Geacas Groom given names: Joaquino Bride surname: Yon Bride given names: Meliora Louisa
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: George Groom given names: Ellis Bride surname: Graham Bride given names: Agnes
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Year: 1892 Groom surname: Greentree Groom given names: Henry Augustus Bride surname: Williams Bride given names: Mary Elizabeth
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Samuel Groom given names: William Bride surname: Thomas Bride given names: Alice
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Earl Groom given names: John William Bride surname: Leo Bride given names: Louisa
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Moyce Groom given names: John Bride surname: Benjamin Bride given names: Mary
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: George Groom given names: Charles Samuel Bride surname: Burton Bride given names: Mary Ellen
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Whiting Groom given names: Joseph Bride surname: Magrath Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Thomas Groom given names: James Archibald Bride surname: George Bride given names: Bertha Lucea
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Year: 1893 Groom surname: Gonsolves Groom given names: Matthew Bride surname: Hubbard Bride given names: Rosina Mary
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Francis Groom given names: William Bride surname: Caswell Bride given names: Mary Anne
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Jeanor Groom given names: Andrew Bride surname: Isaache Bride given names: Ethel
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: O'Neil Groom given names: Ezekiel Bride surname: Maggott Bride given names: Maria
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Way Groom given names: John Bride surname: Jameson Bride given names: Emily May
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Hunt Groom given names: Edward Bride surname: Chippendale Bride given names: Elizabeth
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: George Groom given names: William Bride surname: Moyce Bride given names: Mary
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Year: 1894 Groom surname: Maggott Groom given names: John Bride surname: Spratt Bride given names: Margaret Harriet
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Year: 1895 Groom surname: Gafney Groom given names: James Bride surname: Caesar Bride given names: Ethel
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Year: 1895 Groom surname: Lawrence Groom given names: Charles Edward Bride surname: Brooks Bride given names: Alice
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Year: 1895 Groom surname: Burton Groom given names: William Bride surname: Murray Bride given names: Ada Louisa
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Year: 1896 Groom surname: Penfold Groom given names: Harrison George Bride surname: Dwyer Bride given names: Sarah Alice
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Year: 1896 Groom surname: Joshua Groom given names: James Bride surname: Corker Bride given names: Alice Rosina
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Year: 1896 Groom surname: Cranfield Groom given names: Daniel Covell Bride surname: Greentree Bride given names: Julia Mary
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Year: 1896 Groom surname: Thorpe Groom given names: Donald Henry Bride surname: George Bride given names: Helena Louisa
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Year: 1896 Groom surname: Thomas Groom given names: Edward Ernest Bride surname: Henry Bride given names: Elizabeth Louisa
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