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The results of your search in dataset Group Memorials and others for the value 'Telegraph Monument' in field Place
Displaying 1 to 16 of 16 results. | Display results in horizontal format  |
| Name | BRENDISH | First names | William | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 11 May 1857 | Inscription | The following is a full descrption of the Telgraph Monument , which was unveiled by Lord Curzon at Delhi on Saturdaty last (19 April 1902). It consists of an obelisk of polished grey granite specially obtained from Aberdeen by Messrs Llewelyn & Co. Calcutta, rising to 18 feet (5.45m) above ground, and very closely resembles the one erected in the Zoological Gardens Calcutta, in memory of the late Mr. L. Schwendler. The inscriptions engraved on the 4 sides of the base are as follows: Front - erected 19th April 1902 by the members of the Telegraph Department to commorate the loyal and devoted services of the Delhi Telegraph Office staff on the eventful 11 May 1857. On that day , two young signallers, William Brendish and J. W. Pilkington, remained on duty till ordered to leave, and by telegraphing to Umballa giving information of what was happening in Delhi, rendered invaluable service to the Punjab Government. In the words of Sir Robert Montgomery ""the Electric Telegraph has saved India"". Reverse - The Delhi Telegraph Office staff on the 11 May 1857, consisted of the following:- Charles Todd, Assistant in charge, killed near cable house on left bank River Jumna on the morning of the above date while edeavouring to restore telegraphic communication with Meerut. W. Brendish, signaller retired 1st September 1896. J.W. Pilkington. - Signaller, voluntarily returned to the Telegraph Office from Flagstaff Tower and signalled a despatch to C-C containing a full report of the Mutiny. Taked prisoner after doing so but escaped. Died at Rookee 24th March 1867. Third face - Delhi Telegraph Office of 1857 was situated 2415 yards (2195 m) 31 ?? west of north from this spot. Fourth face - Casualties during the Mutiny:- Charles Todd, Henry Farmer, Edwin Brierly all from Delhi. Thomas Couzens, Francis Scallen, Thomas Goodings, William Ramsay - all from Cawnpore. John Devere, James Butler, Thomas Brooke - all from Lucknow. William Avery, David Bone, G. H. Gartlan from Indore and J. Hall from Chanda. The monument is erected immediately in front of the present Delhi Telegraph Office and is some 100 feet (30 m)or so west of, and in line with the west gate and attached vaulted verandah of the Old Magazine enclosure. |
| Name | PILKINGTON | First names | J W | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 24 March 1867 | Inscription | See William Brendish for full account |
| Name | TODD | First names | Charles | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | FARMER | First names | Henry | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | BRIERLY | First names | Edwin | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | COUZENS | First names | Thomas | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | SCALLEN | First names | Francis | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | GOODINGS | First names | Thomas | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | RAMSAY | First names | William | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | DEVERE | First names | John | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | BUTLER | First names | James | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | BROOKE | First names | Thomas | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | AVERY | First names | William | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | BONE | First names | David | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | GARTLAN | First names | G H | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |
| Name | HALL | First names | J | Rank | Signaller | Dates | 1857 |