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Go to record Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland) Dictionary of Indian Biography (Buckland)
 Dictionary of Indian Biography J to L

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Date transcribed2011-05-01
Transcribed byPeter Bailey
CommentNote that notables of Indian, Afghan, etc. origin do not always follow the alphabetical name pattern established by Buckland in his original work.

Surname  La Bourdonnais    
First Name(s)  Bertrand Francis Mahe De    
Year of Birth  1699    
Year of Death  1753    
Entry  Went to India at 10, and on other voyages in 1713 and 1722 : led the attack on Mahe, when captured by the French in 1725 : traded in the Arabian seas : served under the Governor of Goa for 2 years : returned to France, 1733, and was Governor of the Isle of France, and Bourbon, 1735-40 : from France in 1741, he took out ships and troops to the Isle of France : resumed his Governorship, and, when ordered to send back his squadron, collected more ships, and, in 1746, took them to the Coromandel coast and fought some actions with indecisive results off Ceylon and Negapatam against the English squadron under Peyton, who retired : went to Pondicherry : reinforced there, he, under pressure from the Governor, Dupleix {q.v.) appeared with his fleet before Madras, landed his forces on Sep. 15, 1746, and besieged it by sea and land until the English surrendered on Sep. 21, the question of ransom of the town being left for future adjustment. This condition Dupleix refused to ratify and superseded La Bourdonnais. While they were disputing, a severe monsoon shattered the French fleet on Oct. 13, 1746. La Bourdonnais signed a treaty with the English authorities at Madras : it is stated that he was induced, by a personal bribe, to consent to the ransom of Madras. He made his way to the Isle of France, and, proceeding homewards, was captured in a Dutch vessel by the English, but released. On his return to France, he was confined in the Bastille for 3 years, and soon after his realease, on being acquitted by the Privy Council of the charges against him, he died on Sep. 9, 1753.     
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